Crack Paths 2006
Crack Propagation Criterion
Consider a crack whose tip is located at (x1, y1) as shown in Fig. 1(b). The tangential
VT near the crack tip was calculated from the stress intensity factor for
stress range
modeI, KI , and for modeII, KII, of the crack by
§ ·
¨ ¸
2 GT § · ¨ ¸ © ¹
2 GT § · ¨ ¸ © ¹ © ¹ 2 GT
2 K
2 K
where GT is the change of the angle of crack extension from the current crack direction
and r is the distance from the current crack tip. The direction of the maximumtangential
stress direction is given by
§ ·
I I 1 1 t a n 8 2 4 K 4 K K GT § · ¨ ¸ ¨¸©¹ © ¹ I I
VT in one cycle is calculated from loading conditions. Three
The variation of
versions of the maximumtangential stress criterion are used for prediction of fatigue
crack propagation.
'VT max criterion assumes the direction of crack extension
criterion: This
coincident with the direction perpendicular to the maximumof the total range of the
tangential stress including the negative stress at the crack tip. The crack closure is
neglected. (2)
'V Tmax
criterion: For fatigue crack propagation, only the tensile part of the cyclic
stress can be effective The 'V Tmax
criterion assumes the direction of crack
propagation coincident with the direction perpendicular to the maximumof the positive
range of tangential stress at the crack tip.
'V *Tmax criterion: Under reverse loading, crack surfaces may come into contact
with each other. By taking into account of crack-face contact and neglecting the
frictional force, the minimumvalue of SIF was calculated by B F Mand is denoted by
K*min. For closed cracks, the modeII component K*IImin is not zero, while K*Imin= 0. The
range of the tangential stress and the crack direction are calculated by substituting the
ranges of stress intensity factors, 'KI* and 'KII*, for KI and KII in Eqs (1) and (2).
Simulation of Crack Propagation
The simulation of fatigue crack propagation was conducted through step-by-step
process. Figure 1(b) illustrates a crack propagated from a precrack by one step. The
crack tip is now located at point (x1, y1) and the angle of the crack with respect to the
T1. The SIF values of KI and KII were first calculated by BFM. The
precrack is
GT is determined from the three criteria described above.
direction of crack propagation
The deviation of the crack propagation direction is caused by the mode II stress
intensity factor, and the crack propagates straight under pure mode I loading. The
amount of crack extension for one step is determined by
( ) d c d N
where N = 1000 cycles. The value of dc/dN (m/cycle) is the power function of the
maximumstress intensity factor kImax (MPa) for a medium-carbon steel as
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