Crack Paths 2006

strain amplitudes) and higher biaxial strain ratios. During the course of generating the

mode II crack growth rate data the growing shear crack occasionally bifurcated (this

became more frequent as the stress intensity range increased) and decreased the crack

growth rate significantly.

Crack growth rate data obtained during the period following

crack bifurcation was eliminated from the dataset, so that the crack growth rates used to

construct the crack growth rate curves were higher than the average crack growth rates.

The consequence of using a higher crack growth rate curve is an overestimate of crack

growth rates and a correspondingly shortened fatigue life prediction.


Twocrack growth models predicted both the crack-face interference-free fatigue life and

the maximumlength of shear cracks observed in smooth tubes tested under in-phase biax

ial loading – these models followed the growth of a crack from a shallow but long crack of

persistent slip-band depth to the failure length. The two models changed the crack growth

plane based on the strain energy release rate (energy) and the maximumcrack growth rate

(area) criteria. It was determined that:

1. Both models satisfactorily predicted the fatigue life of the smooth tubes for the

biaxial strain ratios examined in this study (λ = εxy/εxx = ∞, 3, 3/2, 3/4, and 0):

neither predicted the life data substantially better than the other, and they both pro

vided better predictions across the range of strain ratios than models in which all

the crack growth was assumed to be confined to either the planes of maximumshear

or planes of maximumtension.

2. Both models qualitatively predicted the maximumshear crack length trends: in

creased strain ratio and/or increased small cycle strain amplitudes led to longer

maximumshear crack lengths.

3. The energy (strain energy release rate) model and the area (crack growth rate) model

provided reasonable estimates of the upper and lower bounds, respectively, of the

intermediate shear crack length region (50μm to 15mm).

4. The difference in the maximumshear crack length predictions at the time of mode

change between the two models and the close proximity of their respective fatigue

life predictions to each other are assumed to be the result of almost equal tensile

and shear modecrack growth rates.


1. Elber, W. (1970). Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2(1), 37–45.

2. Elber, W. (1971). In: Dam. Tol. in Aircraft Struct., A S T MSTP 486, pp. 230–242,

Amer. Soc. Test. Mat., Phil.

3. DuQuesnay, D. L., Topper, T. H., Yu, M. T. and Pompetzki, M. A. (1992). Int. J. Fat.

14(1), 45–50.

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